smile with orthodontic appliance, teeth alignment, crooked teeth

correct misaligned teeth

removable braces for teeth alignment & bite correction

What are removable braces?

Removable braces are a type of tooth alignment treatment that uses discreet and comfortable wires and plastic plates to slowly move the teeth into their desired position.

Unlike fixed brackets and wires, removable braces can be taken out for eating, brushing, and flossing, making them an ideal solution for minor corrections.

dentist, orthodontic removable brace, gapped teeth

How do removable braces work?

Removable braces work by gently shifting your teeth into the desired position.

The plastic plate is designed to fit firmly against the surface of your teeth, while the wires help to provide small amounts of pressure to encourage gradual movement.

Over time, this process will help you achieve a straighter and more aligned smile.

need braces, brace fitting, removable brace

Removable Braces: advantages & disadvantages

The choice between removable and fixed braces should be made after a thorough consultation with an orthodontic specialist. This decision will depend on individual needs, the complexity of the dental issues, lifestyle considerations, and personal preferences.

removable braces, children's orthodontic appliances, palate expander

Advantages of Removable Braces

  • Removable braces simplify the maintenance of good oral hygiene. They can be taken out for thorough cleaning of both the braces and teeth, reducing the risk of plaque build-up and dental decay.

  • Unlike fixed braces, removable ones allow for the consumption of a wider range of foods. There's no need to avoid certain hard or sticky foods, as the braces can be removed during meals.

  • Generally, they are considered more comfortable than fixed braces. Their removability also means they can be taken out for short periods during important social or professional events.

  • Many removable braces are less noticeable than traditional fixed braces. This can be particularly appealing for adults who are conscious about the aesthetic aspect of orthodontic treatment.

  • For instance, clear aligners, a type of removable brace, often come with software that predicts and shows the progression of teeth alignment, offering a clear vision of the treatment outcome.

Disadvantages of Removable Braces

  • The effectiveness of removable braces hinges on the patient's commitment to wearing them as prescribed. Failure to wear them for the recommended hours can prolong treatment or reduce its effectiveness.

  • Removable braces may not be appropriate for more complex orthodontic issues. They are generally more effective for mild to moderate alignment and bite problems.

  • Being removable increases the risk of the braces being lost or damaged, which can lead to additional costs and delays in treatment.

  • The initial stages of wearing removable braces can cause discomfort or minor speech impediments, although these issues usually resolve as the patient becomes accustomed to the appliance.

  • In some cases, removable braces, especially the clear aligner types, can be more expensive than traditional fixed braces, impacting the decision-making process.

Removable braces

An effective alternative for minor orthodontic cases

We use the most contemporary functional appliance to correct jaw and bite problems. These include the Carriere® motion appliance and twin blocks.

orthodontic applience, removable brace, braces for children

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Not as long as you might think. Although it is normal to feel some initial discomfort while adjusting to your removable brace, most people find that their mouth adjusts quickly and they soon feel comfortable with it. In fact, you may even forget you’re wearing them after a few days.

  • Yes! Removable braces are designed to be taken out for eating and cleaning, so you don't have to worry about food getting stuck or not being able to brush and floss your teeth.

  • Our treatment plan is personalised to each patient. After an initial examination and 3D imaging of the teeth, our orthodontist will recommend the best course of action for your individual needs.

    If removable braces are a good option for you, we will create a custom set that fits comfortably in your mouth and be able to advise you on how long they should be worn and what home care regimen is necessary.

  • Removable braces are designed to be comfortable and fit your mouth perfectly.

    The plastic plates don't put any pressure on your teeth, and the wires are flexible enough so that they don't cause any pain or discomfort.

    You may feel a bit of pressure when you first put them in, but this should subside after a few days.

  • Removable braces can be an effective treatment for mild cases of misaligned teeth, and they come with the added advantage of convenience.

    They are easy to remove and clean, while with traditional fixed braces you have no choice but to wear them at all times.

    However, it’s important to note that removable braces may not be as effective at correcting more complex issues, so it’s best to discuss your options with your orthodontist before making a decision.