Removable clear aligners from Share A Smile Orthodontics in Romford, Essex.

Clear Aligners & Retainers

Explained: Removable Clear Aligners & Retainers

Clear Aligners vs. Traditional Braces

Which to choose?

When it comes to choosing between clear aligners like Invisalign or Angel Aligners, and traditional braces for orthodontic treatment, patients often find themselves at a crossroads, weighing the pros and cons of each option. Clear aligners offer a discreet and comfortable solution, making them a popular choice for adults and teens alike. They are virtually invisible, easy to clean, and can be removed for eating and brushing. On the other hand, traditional braces have been a reliable method for correcting complex dental issues for decades, providing precise control over tooth movement. While braces are more visible and can cause discomfort due to wires and brackets, they are often more affordable and require less patient compliance than clear aligners. Ultimately, the decision between clear aligners and traditional braces should be made in consultation with an experienced orthodontist, who can assess your specific needs and recommend the most effective treatment plan.

Aligners Comparison: Angel vs Invisalign

When it comes to choosing clear aligners for orthodontic treatment, Angel Aligners and Invisalign stand out as popular options. Both of these options represent innovative solutions in the field of orthodontics, offering a discreet and comfortable alternative to traditional braces. This guide provides an in-depth comparison to help you understand the key differences and similarities, ensuring you make the right choice for your smile.

Angel Aligners

Angel are a modern orthodontic solution designed to straighten teeth without the need for metal braces. They are custom-made, using advanced 3D printing technology to ensure a precise and comfortable fit. The aligners are virtually invisible, making them a popular choice for those who are conscious about their appearance.


  • The clear material makes them almost invisible to others.

  • They can be taken out for eating, brushing, and flossing.

  • Less irritation to the gums and cheeks compared to traditional braces.

  • Advanced imaging technology allows you to see the expected results before starting the treatment.

  • Angel Clear Aligners may be more cost-effective, but this can vary depending on the complexity of your case.

  • Both options offer shorter treatment times compared to traditional braces, but the exact duration will depend on your individual case.

Invisalign Aligners

Invisalign is a well-established brand in the world of clear aligners, with a proven track record of success. Like Angel, Invisalign clear aligners use advanced 3D printing technology to create custom-fitted aligners that gradually move your teeth into the desired position.


  • Invisalign has been around for over two decades, earning trust worldwide.

  • They offer features like SmartTrack material for improved control of tooth movements.

  • Effective for a wide range of teeth straightening issues, from simple to complex.

  • Fewer dental visits are required compared to traditional braces.

  • Invisalign has a wider network of providers, which might make it more accessible.

  • Invisalign’s longer presence in the market means there are more experienced providers available.

Both Angel Clear Aligners and Invisalign offer effective, discreet solutions for straightening teeth. The best choice for you will depend on your specific needs, budget, and preferences. We recommend scheduling a consultation at Share A Smile Orthodontics to discuss your options with our expert team, ensuring you make the best decision for your smile.

By providing clear, comprehensive information, we aim to empower our patients at Share A Smile Orthodontics to make informed decisions and achieve the beautiful, confident smile they deserve.

  • Discover the smile you've always wanted with Angel Aligners. We're excited to introduce our exclusive promotional offer for our new patients, combining the best orthodontic care with unbeatable value. Discover a world of advanced technology and expert care, all while enjoying substantial savings. New Angel patients will receive the following extras for free:

    1. A complimentary tooth whitening treatment, valued at £300, to enhance the appearance of your smile and boost your self-confidence.

    2. An advanced digital scan, typically priced at £150, utilises cutting-edge technology to create a precise and accurate representation of your teeth, ensuring a tailored and effective orthodontic treatment plan.

    3. A free set of retainers, valued at £220, which are crucial for maintaining the results achieved through orthodontic treatment and preserving the alignment of your teeth in the long term.

    Not only will you receive the top-quality orthodontic care we are known for, but you will also enjoy these exceptional complimentary services, typically costing a total of £670. Don't miss this incredible opportunity to achieve a straighter, brighter smile with Share A Smile Orthodontics and Angel Aligners.

Maintaining Your Smile With A Retainer

Retainers play a vital role in maintaining our patients' beautiful smiles after orthodontic treatment. These custom-made devices ensure that teeth remain in their corrected positions, preventing any shifting or relapse. Removable retainers are typically worn for a specific period, advised by our specialist orthodontist, usually full-time initially and then gradually transitioning to wearing them only at night. Crafted from durable materials, retainers are comfortable, discreet, and personalized to fit each patient's unique dental anatomy. By diligently wearing removable retainers, patients can safeguard the investment they made in their orthodontic treatment, ensuring their teeth stay aligned and their smiles stay flawless for years to come.

Types of retainers for teeth

Invisible bonded retainer to keep teeth straight after treatment with Invisalign and will help your smile.
  • Bonded retainers, also known as fixed or permanent retainers, are a type of orthodontic appliance designed to maintain the alignment of your teeth after braces or clear aligner treatment. These retainers consist of a thin yet durable wire that is meticulously affixed to the backside of your upper or lower teeth, ensuring it remains completely out of sight. The discreet nature of bonded retainers makes them an attractive option for many, as they seamlessly integrate into your daily life without affecting your appearance. Additionally, because they are permanently attached, there is no risk of forgetting to wear them, providing a constant safeguard against the potential shifting of teeth. Despite their subtlety, bonded retainers require diligent oral hygiene practices to prevent plaque buildup around the wire, ensuring the long-term health and stability of your teeth.

A Hawley retainer is removable and consists of a plastic mould that sits on the roof of your mouth and a wire that goes across the front of your teeth. straightens teeth and helps your smile.
  • The Hawley retainer, often the first image that pops into one’s mind at the mention of ‘retainer,’ is a detachable orthodontic device. It features a plate crafted from acrylic that conforms comfortably to the roof of the mouth or rests along the lower gums. Wire elements are affixed to this acrylic base, with a notable wire stretching across the front teeth, playing a crucial role in preserving their alignment. In the initial three weeks following your orthodontic treatment, it is imperative to wear the Hawley retainer both during the day and at night. Subsequent to this period, you are advised to transition to wearing it solely during nighttime hours.

Vivera retainer by Invisalign teeth straightening. Slightly thicker and more durable than aligner trays and are a clear and discreet retainer option for your smile.
  • After your treatment, we will provide you with removable vacuum retainers. It is important to wear these retainers every night for a minimum of 10 to 12 hours, unless our clinical team advises otherwise. If you experience tightness in your retainers, it is recommended to increase the wearing time until they become more comfortable.

    Please remove your retainers while eating, drinking, and cleaning. To clean your retainers, use cold water and a Retainer Brite tablet, which can be purchased from our facility. Avoid using hot or boiling water for cleaning purposes. Additionally, we advise brushing your retainers twice daily using a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste mixed with water.

Vacuum retainers keep teeth from moving after orthodontic treatment.
  • The Vivera retainer is our final retainer option, encompassing both an upper and lower retainer at a cost of £500, and it comes with three sets. These retainers are meticulously tailored for each individual, utilizing the same fabrication process as Invisalign® clear aligners, though undergoing Invisalign® treatment is not a prerequisite for obtaining a Vivera retainer. Notably, Vivera retainers are slightly thicker and more robust than aligner trays, offering a subtle and inconspicuous solution for maintaining your teeth's alignment. Your Specialist Orthodontist will guide you on proper usage, advising you to wear the retainer both day and night initially, and eventually transitioning to night-time use as per their recommendation.

How To Care For Your Retainer

After your retainers have been properly fitted, our team will provide comprehensive instructions on their correct usage and maintenance to ensure optimal results. For removable retainers, it is crucial to remove them while eating and to incorporate them into your regular oral hygiene routine of brushing and flossing. You can clean them using your fingers and cold water or opt for a specialised cleaning solution. However, avoiding using a toothbrush and toothpaste on your retainer is imperative, as this could potentially scratch the surface.

In the case of fixed retainers, maintaining exemplary oral hygiene is vital. This includes thorough cleaning of both the front and back surfaces of your teeth. Our team is on hand to demonstrate the proper techniques for cleaning and flossing your teeth while a fixed retainer is in place.

Taking proper care of your retainers and adhering to scheduled retainer appointments as directed by our staff is essential. If you ever find yourself uncertain about any aspect of your retainer care, do not hesitate to reach out to any member of our staff. We are here to assist and provide answers to all your questions.

Clear aligners and retainers FAQ

  • Purpose and Functionality of Clear Aligners: Clear aligners are innovative orthodontic devices designed to straighten teeth and improve oral alignment. They are virtually invisible, custom-made trays that fit snugly over your teeth, applying gentle pressure to shift them into the desired position over time. Clear aligners offer a discreet and comfortable alternative to traditional braces, making them a popular choice for adults and teens alike.

  • Effectiveness of Clear Aligners: Clear aligners have proven to be highly effective in treating a wide range of orthodontic issues, from mild to moderate misalignments. Their success, however, depends on patient compliance, as they need to be worn for at least 20-22 hours a day. Many patients have achieved remarkable transformations with clear aligners, showcasing their efficacy in creating beautiful, straight smiles.

  • Clear Aligners vs. Invisalign: While all Invisalign products are clear aligners, not all clear aligners are Invisalign. Invisalign is a specific brand of clear aligners, renowned for its patented material and technology. There are other brands of clear aligners available in the market, offering similar benefits but possibly differing in material, treatment planning, and cost.

  • Clear Aligners vs. Braces: Clear aligners offer several advantages over traditional braces, including aesthetics, comfort, and convenience. They are nearly invisible, allowing for a more discreet treatment process. Additionally, they are removable, facilitating easier cleaning and eating. However, braces might be more effective for complex orthodontic cases, making it essential to consult with an orthodontist to determine the best option for your needs.

  • Discomfort with Clear Aligners: While clear aligners are generally considered more comfortable than braces, some discomfort is normal, especially when switching to a new set of aligners. This discomfort is temporary and typically subsides within a few days, as it is a sign that the aligners are working to shift your teeth.

  • Clear Aligners vs. Retainers: Clear aligners and retainers serve different purposes in orthodontic treatment. Clear aligners are used to move and straighten teeth, while retainers are used to maintain the teeth’s position after the completion of orthodontic treatment. Retainers are crucial in preventing teeth from shifting back to their original position.

  • Duration of Wearing a Retainer: The duration for wearing a retainer varies depending on individual cases. Some patients may need to wear their retainers full-time initially, transitioning to night-time wear, while others may only need to wear them at night from the start. Long-term or lifelong retainer use is often recommended to ensure the stability of the orthodontic results.

  • Lifespan of Teeth Retainers: The lifespan of a retainer depends on its type and how well it is cared for. Removable retainers can last several years with proper care, while fixed retainers may last indefinitely if maintained properly. Regular check-ups with your orthodontist are essential to ensure the retainer is in good condition and to make any necessary adjustments.